proud به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
proud /praʊd/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective (comparative prouder, superlative proudest)
feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own, or about someone or something you are involved with or related to
از کاری که انجام داده اید یا چیزی که مالک آن هستید، یا از کسی یا چیزی که با آن درگیر هستید یا با آن مرتبط هستید احساس رضایت می کنید
thinking that you are more important, skilful etc than you really are – used to show disapproval
فکر کردن به اینکه شما مهمتر، ماهرتر از آنچه هستید و غیره هستید – برای نشان دادن مخالفت استفاده میشود
having respect for yourself, so that you are embarrassed to ask for help when you are in a difficult situation
برای خود احترام قائل باشید، به طوری که در شرایط سخت از درخواست کمک خجالت میکشید
tall and impressive
قد بلند و چشمگیر
You did it all by yourself? You should be very proud
He was a proud man who refused to admit his mistakes
Indeed, this cook is proud of the fact that very few of her diners even request salt
He’s very proud that his work has finally been published
I’m proud to say that all my children had a good education