Recede به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
re‧cede /rɪˈsiːd/ ●○○ verb
if something you can see or hear recedes, it gets further and further away until it disappears
اگر چیزی که می توانید ببینید یا بشنوید عقب نشینی کند، دورتر و دورتر می شود تا زمانی که ناپدید شود
if a memory, feeling, or possibility recedes, it gradually goes away
اگر خاطره، احساس یا امکانی از بین برود، به تدریج از بین می رود
if water recedes, it moves back from an area that it was covering
اگر آب عقب نشینی کند، از ناحیه ای که آن را پوشانده بود به عقب برمی گردد
if your hair recedes, you gradually lose the hair at the front of your head
اگر موهای شما کم شود، به تدریج موهای جلوی سر خود را از دست می دهید
footsteps receding into the distance
The pain in his head gradually receded
The flood waters finally began to recede in November
He was in his mid-forties, with a receding hairline
Since Donald lost his job, the hopes of our buying a house have receded even further