Underestimate به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
un‧der‧es‧ti‧mate /ˌʌndərˈestɪmeɪt/ ●●○ verb
to think or guess that something is smaller, cheaper, easier etc than it really is
فکر کردن یا حدس زدن اینکه چیزی کوچکتر، ارزانتر، آسانتر و غیره از آنچه واقعا هست است
to think that someone is not as good, clever, or skilful, as they really are
فکر کردن به اینکه کسی آنقدر خوب، باهوش یا ماهر نیست که واقعاً هستند
We saved about $1000 for our trip but we underestimated and may have to wait until next year to go
I wouldn’t underestimate her if I were you – she’s smarter than you think
You must never underestimate how much I love you
In fact, the Labour Force Survey underestimates the extent of this discrimination
Never underestimate the value of really good training