Uneasy به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
un‧eas‧y /ʌnˈiːzi/ ●○○ adjective
worried or slightly afraid because you think that something bad might happen
نگران هستید یا کمی می ترسید زیرا فکر می کنید ممکن است اتفاق بدی بیفتد
used to describe a period of time when people have agreed to stop fighting or arguing, but which is not really calm
برای توصیف دوره زمانی استفاده می شود که مردم توافق کرده اند که دعوا یا مشاجره را متوقف کنند، اما واقعا آرام نیست.
not comfortable, peaceful, or relaxed
راحت، آرام یا آرام نیست
There’s something I don’t trust about him. He makes me feel very uneasy
It was clear to Susan that Kendall made them uneasy
75 percent of consumers said they were uneasy about using their credit cards over the Internet
She had the uneasy feeling that he wasn’t going to come back
After the speech there was an uneasy silence and nobody clapped