لغات دسته A1 جلسه 13
روش مطالعه در این بخش :
1-تمام لغات این بخش را بهمراه تلفظ مرور کنید.
2- تلفظ لغات را دوباره از ابتدا پلی کنید و همزمان سعی کنید معانی را بدون نگاه کردن به بخش فارسی، زمزمه کنید. اگر درست معنی کردید، تلفظ بعدی را پلی کنید. اگر اشتباه معنی کردید، دوباره از اولین لغت شروع کنید.
3- بعد از یادگیری کامل، با کلیک بر روی لغات، مروری بر جمله سازی و توضیحات تکمیلی داشته باشید.
4- وارد آزمون شوید (اگر نمره کمتر از 80 گرفتید، دوباره مرور کنید).
دادن / بخشیدن / ارائه دادن
نشستن / بنشین
رقص / رقصیدن
توقف / ایست / ترک کردن
From Longman Dictionary gain1 /ɡeɪn/ ●●● S3 W1 verb to obtain or achieve something you want or need برای به دست آوردن یا رسیدن به چیزی که می خواهید یا نیاز دارید to gradually get more and…
باز / باز کردن / گشوده
دست برداشتن / منصرف شدن / ترک کردن
ماندن / نوقف / تکیه / ایست
تغییر / تحول / دگرگونی
From Longman Dictionary bay1 /beɪ/ ●●○ noun [countable] a part of the sea that is partly enclosed by a curve in the land an area within a large room or just outside a building that is used for a particular purpose the part…
ماشین لباسشویی
ماشین ظرفشویی
From Longman Dictionary dor‧mi‧to‧ry /ˈdɔːmətəri $ ˈdɔːrmətɔːri/ noun (plural dormitories) [countable] a large room for several people to sleep in, for example in a boarding school or hostel a large building at a college or university where students live Example Like most of the rest of the south east, it’s now…
گرفتن / بردن / برداشتن
From Longman Dictionary shift1 /ʃɪft/ ●●○ S3 W3 AWL verb to move from one place or position to another, or make something do this to move something, especially by picking it up and carrying it to change a…
خروجی / تولید / بازده
ترک کردن / مرخصی / اجازه / رخصت
مرخصی استعلاجی
مجری (تلویزیون / رادیو)
From Longman Dictionary jade /dʒeɪd/ noun [uncountable] a hard, usually green, stone often used to make jewellery the light green colour of jade Example There had been stone dragons, and jade dragons so delicate that they disintegrated at a puff of breath I don’t deal in jade Indeed it is hardly…
From Longman Dictionary no‧ta‧ry /ˈnəʊtəri $ ˈnoʊ-/ (also notary public) noun (plural notaries) [countable] someone, especially a lawyer, who has the legal power to make a signed statement or document official Example Sadler’s activities as a notary in Chancery remain obscure But mostly we inquire about notaries I am given an address, a special archive just for notaries There were many notaries and much…
From Longman Dictionary mus‧cu‧la‧ture /ˈmʌskjələtʃə $ -tʃʊr/ noun [singular, uncountable] all the muscles in the body, considered as a group Example She imagined a musculature, a skeleton, a hide, pumping organs, glowing eyes his observation could explain why straining is often ineffective in promoting normal defecation even in low spinal patients with intact abdominal musculature Tarnished metal shone through his musculature as he walked through the fire…
From Longman Dictionary sil‧ver‧fish /ˈsɪlvəfɪʃ $ -ər-/ noun (plural silverfish or silverfishes) [countable] a small silver-coloured insect that cannot fly and is found in houses Example We have no direct evidence of how they achieved flight but the living silverfish provides a clue In the bathroom I saw silverfish The sound makes small silverfish run down the back…
From Longman Dictionary vampire bat noun [countable] a South American bat that sucks the blood of other animals