wait به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
wait1 /weɪt/ ●●● S1 W1 verb
to stay somewhere or not do something until something else happens, someone arrives etc
جایی ماندن یا کاری نکردن تا زمانی که اتفاق دیگری بیفتد، کسی بیاید و غیره
if you are waiting for something that you expect or hope will happen or arrive, it has not happened or arrived yet
اگر منتظر چیزی هستید که انتظار دارید یا امیدوارید اتفاق بیفتد یا برسد، هنوز اتفاق نیفتاده یا نرسیده است
wait2 ●●○ noun [singular]
a period of time in which you wait for something to happen, someone to arrive etc
دوره زمانی که در آن منتظر اتفاقی، رسیدن کسی و غیره هستید
She believed in the ship, and was waiting for it
I’m so sorry I kept you waiting
I do studies in my office on patient satisfaction, short waits, warmth and caring of my office personnel
There is often a one-hour wait to see a doctor
So there is not that long a wait